Kickoff Point

Here, you’ll find a comprehensive guide that offers a glimpse into what to expect as you initiate your journey of collaboration. Gain valuable insights into the guidelines, rules, and boundaries that shape our community, providing you with a solid foundation to kickstart your contributions. This section provides the essential guidance needed to make your mark and thrive within our collaborative environment.

What Is the Project serves as a dedicated platform for cybersecurity enthusiasts to publish their work publicly. We believe that knowledge should be shared openly, and this platform is designed to encourage the dissemination of valuable information across the cybersecurity community. Our vision is to foster an environment for others to not only encouraged but inspired to start their own cybersecurity publications. Whether it’s in the form of articles, write-ups, or comprehensive journal articles, Here, we provide the collaborative space for individuals to showcase their insights and discoveries as their starting point.

Complementing our commitment to knowledge sharing, we also provide a suite of in-house penetration testing tools. These tools seamlessly integrate across our arsenal, empowering users to engage with the latest advancements in offensive cybersecurity that is also equipped with our curated collection of relevant and emerging payloads to put you in the forefront of the vulnerability trends.

To encourage collaboration and usage, our source code, including our in-house pentest tools and payloads, is available under our GitHub Organization page. To learn more about the information related to licensing terms and the overall usage guidelines, please visit our affiliate MIT License page

What Can you Work On

Curious about where to channel your enthusiasm within our community? Look no further! This section is your gateway to exploring meaningful opportunities across our projects. Our roadmap, accessible through the GitHub Project board, will guide you through the exciting initiatives to the organization growth. As you go with your contribution journey, familiarize yourself with the Ladder to get the gist of each responsibilities and expectation of your invovlement within our community for a long lasting impact.

As for the scope of contributions, we provide you the 5 main areas within our publications and development specialties. Below are the short and concise summary of each areas of invlovment for you to look for:

  • Blog, Share your insights, experiences, and expertise through engaging blog posts. Contribute to the community’s knowledge base and spark discussions on a wide range of cybersecurity topics
  • Write-Ups: Showcase your problem-solving skills and document your experiences through detailed write-ups. Walk others through your methodologies, discoveries, and lessons learned in the world of offensive cybersecurity
  • Paper: Contribute to the advancement of cybersecurity research by creating and sharing in-depth papers. Dive into complex topics, explore emerging trends, and contribute valuable insights to the broader community
  • Pentest Tool: Engage in the development and enhancement of our in-house penetration testing tools. Collaborate with fellow contributors to create cutting-edge tools that address the evolving challenges in offensive cybersecurity
  • Payload: Contribute to our curated collection of relevant and emerging payloads. Stay at the forefront of vulnerability trends by actively participating in the development of payloads that align with the community’s needs.

If this is your first open-source project, we have opportunities for you to learn in a safe space! So if you aren’t sure where to start, or need a mentor to help guide you through learning the project and how to contribute, say “I’m new to OSS and would like a mentor” in our Discord Introduction channel, and a maintainer will reach out to you and get you set up for your first step.

Where Should You Start

Every new contributor is encouraged to start by familiarizing themselves with our Code of Conduct and referencing our Contributing Guide. These documents serve as foundational resources, providing insights into the community’s values and expectations when contributing to our repositories. The Contributing Guide not only outlines the processes for obtaining the source code but also delves into building, testing, and submitting your initial pull request.

Navigating your first steps can be made easier with our dedicated tutorial designed to assist you in setting up your environment, making your inaugural change to, and testing it. This hands-on tutorial aims to provide a practical understanding of the contribution process, ensuring a seamless and positive experience for new contributors.

Locating suitable issues to work on is simplified with the GitHub Search Issues thread. The Contributing Guide further elaborates on how to navigate and identify issues. Two key labels, “good first issue” and “help wanted,” are utilized to streamline the process:

  • Good First Issue: This label is assigned to issues that include additional information to guide you through making your first contribution. It’s a perfect starting point for those taking their initial steps in contributing to our projects.
  • Help Wanted: Designated for issues that are suitable for contributors who may not be core maintainers. These issues provide opportunities for valuable contributions from individuals who are new to the community.

Contributing Guide

The Contributing Guide is your companion throughout the contribution journey. Whether you’re initiating changes, opening pull requests, or navigating the review process, these guidelines are crafted to streamline your experience and foster a collaborative environment. Your contributions play a crucial role in advancing our offensive cybersecurity initiatives, and we’re excited to have you as part of our community.

### How to Submit a Contribution
### Which Branch to Use
### When to Open a Pull Request
### How to Get Your Pull Request Reviewed
## Contributing Tutorial
### Setting Up Environment
### Checkout Code
### Signing Your Pull Request

Our website is currently undergoing active development to enhance your experience about the content in Getting Started section. We welcome any questions or feedback you may have as we work to bring you an even better online platform. Your patience and input are valued as we strive to make improvements
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