Contributory Growth Path

Contribution ladder at serves as a dynamic framework that delineates the various levels of contribution within our community. This structured progression defines responsibilities and expectations for each level, creating a clear pathway to make a meaningful impact while designed to foster a collaborative and supportive environment where every contributor’s efforts are valued and acknowledged.


Explore the tiers of our Contribution Ladder and understand the evolving levels of impact within our community. From novice contributors to seasoned experts, discover where you stand and the pathways for advancement as you climb the hierarchy of meaningful contributions.

Community Member

Having interest in this community’s growth means alot for us, whcih makes you a Community Member already 💯. Whether you’re a newcomer exploring the world of offensive cybersecurity or an experienced professional seeking a vibrant community, this role is your gateway to involvement while still following our Code of Conduct. Here are some ideas on some of the involvements that you can start to take parts of:

  1. Participate in community discussions and conversations on our Discord server and GitHub Forum
  2. Provide constructive feedback on ongoing projects, discussions, publications, and the overall community experience
  3. Share your thoughts, insights, and questions in community discussions or issue that you’re interested in
  4. Foster a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, respecting the diverse backgrounds and perspectives within our community
  5. Participate in stand-ups, or virtual meetups and events that is organized by the community
  6. For a starter, you can submit atleast one bug or issue reports of another existing projects, codebase, or publications


Become an essential part of our cybersecurity community by joining as a Contributor on our environment. This entry-level position welcomes any individuals passionate about offensive cybersecurity who are eager to make an impact. As a Contributor, you should also understand the overall flow on how to start contributing properly, as the next section will guide you first hand. Here are some of the requirements on becoming one:

  1. Contribute to some of the codebase or publications through occasional Pull Requests (PRs) are more than enough in this stage
  2. Contribute to improving and expanding our documentation, making it more accessible and informative
  3. Test new releases, in-house tools, or projects locally and provide valuable feedbacks and insights from your point-of-view
  4. Support ongoing initiatives, whether it’s promoting community events or assisting fellow members
  5. Mark issues as duplicates if you find some of them are leading to one


As a Reviewer on our Contribution Ladder, you play a critical role in ensuring the quality and integrity on specific area of our projects and publications. This position is ideal for individuals who possess a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of offensive cybersecurity, and a commitment to upholding the standards of excellence within our community. Your responsibilities includes:

  1. Thoroughly review and evaluate contributions within your assigned project areas or publication sections that are ready to be merge
  2. Ensure that the work aligns with established guidelines and standardssome of the good reference are from GitHub Documentation and Mawrkus’s post about reviewing guide
  3. Conduct meticulous checks to guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and security of the reviewed content
  4. Offer detailed and constructive feedback to other contributors, fostering a collaborative and growth-oriented community

To become a Reviewer, there are some minimum requirements for you to be eligible and ready before you can bear more responsibilities ahead in a deeper pathway wihtin this community as a whole, which includes:

  1. Demonstrated experience as a contributor in our community, showcasing a commitment to the organization’s goals
  2. Prior experience reviewing or assisting with the shaping of pull requests, emphasizing a keen eye for detail
  3. Demonstrated expertise in the specific project areas or publications assigned for review, with in-depth knowledge of relevant technologies and methodologies
  4. Have a track record of contributing by opening PRs against the appropriate repository, with those PRs being approved by at least two other maintainers
  5. Have the ability to work collaboratively with maintainers, contributors, and other reviewers to maintain a positive and inclusive community


Maintainers are very established Contributors who are responsible for the entire project. As such, they have the ability to approve PRs against any area of the project, and are expected to participate in making decisions about the strategy and priorities of the project; ensuring the smooth functioning on the overall experience. Some of the capabilities of a Maintainer includes:

  1. Not only act as a primary code owner, ensuring the integrity and quality of the codebase, but also to review and merge pull requests (PRs) while providing constructive feedback
  2. Manage the end-to-end workflow from PR submission to deployment, such as able to request PRs to be reviewed, guide contributors, and facilitate collaboration
  3. Lead efforts in refactoring PRs to improve code maintainability and performance while implementing the best secure coding practices to enhance the overall quality
  4. Determine, implement and establish specific strategies and policies for project development to maintain consistency and efficiency
  5. Efficiently triage incoming issues and pull requests, ensuring timely responses, and prioritie & categorize issues based on urgency and impact

As you aspire to become a Maintainer within our thriving community, your commitment to excellence and demonstrated contributions are integral. Below are the key requirements that will guide into this esteemed role:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency as a Reviewer during the 6-month span, actively participating in the review process and providing constructive feedback
  2. Display a comprehensive understanding of the project across multiple areas. A Maintainer should have a holistic perspective to contribute effectively to the project’s growth
  3. Showcase the ability to exercise sound judgment for the betterment of the project. This includes making informed decisions that align with the project’s vision and goals
  4. Actively engage in mentoring other Contributors and fellow Reviewers. Share your knowledge, provide guidance, and contribute to the overall skill development of the community
  5. Exhibit strong communication skills, both in written and verbal forms. The ability to articulate ideas, provide feedback, and engage in constructive discussions is crucial

As a Maintainer, you are entrusted with key responsibilities and privileges that reflect your commitment to the project’s success and leadership within the organizational team. Here are the privileges associated with it:

  1. Ability to provide the final approval on any area of the assigned projects, showcasing your expertise and authority in decision-making
  2. Serve as the public face and representative of the assigned project within the community. Your role as a Maintainer demonstrates your commitment to the project’s success
  3. Act as a primary communication link between the project and the broader organizational structure stakeholders within Your role involves fostering effective communication and collaboration
  4. Active participation in Maintainer decision-making meetings, allowing you to contribute insights, influence project direction, and engage in strategic planning for the community’s growth


Achieving milestones at each level earns you recognition and promotion to the next tier. Contributions in the form of blogs, projects, or active participation in discussions play a crucial role in your ascent. The Inauguration phase underscores our commitment to recognizing and nurturing talent within our community. As we collectively strive for excellence, your contributions not only propel you forward but also contribute to the overall growth and success of

Notices regarding graduation from one role to the next one and any Administrative role opening are being prominently displayed on our Discord Bulletin Board channel and communicated via Email, ensuring that individuals aware of such opportunities can step forward to play a key role in guiding our community’s upward trajectory.


The Departing section emphasizes the importance of maintaining a dynamic and responsive community structure. Whether due to changing circumstances, personal choices, or the need for a different level of engagement, we appreciate and respect the diverse paths our community members may take. Departing does not signify an end but rather a shift in the journey, and we encourage departing members to return whenever their circumstances allow. Departing can occur due to these three main circumstances:

  • Inactivity. Members who become inactive or disengage from the community for an extended period may be considered as departing. We value an active and engaged community, and this provision ensures that our ladder reflects the current contributors
  • Involuntary Removal. In cases where a member’s actions violate our Code of Conduct or community guidelines, involuntary removal may be necessary. This ensures the maintenance of a positive and respectful environment for all contributors
  • Voluntary Transition. Members may also choose to depart by voluntarily transitioning to a lower hierarchy. This decision could stem from personal choices, availability constraints, or a desire to contribute at a different level while remaining actively engaged
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