
Community Portal

At, our main purpose is to foster an inclusive space where cybersecurity enthusiasts, professionals, and learners alike can connect, collaborate, and innovate in the realm of offensive cybersecurity. We encourage the sharing of diverse perspectives, research, projects, and insights to empower individuals and elevate the collective knowledge of the community.

Daily Stand-Up

Join us for our brief and focused 10-15 minute meeting designed to keep the team connected and informed. The format encourages open communication and collaboration, fostering a supportive environment for problem-solving and team cohesion. The Daily Stand-Up ensures everyone is on the same page, enhances transparency, and promotes a proactive and agile approach to our collective goals. During this daily gathering, team members will have the opportunity to communicate the agenda that list as follows:

  • Share updates on their progress
  • Celebrate accomplishments
  • Outline short-term goals
  • Highlight any potential blockers or obstacles they are facing
  • Open Q&A for any clarity and alignment if needed

The meeting itself is held in Discord at 10:00 AM (GMT+7), which all parties and members will be notified via both Calendar and Telegram Notification Bot prior to the stand-up.


Dive into the heart of our technical discussions and collaborative projects on our forum. Contribute to ongoing initiatives, share your projects, and stay updated on the latest developments in the GitHub Discussion. Stuff that you can open for the discussion are include:

  • Ask generic questions or technical issues
  • Highlight your contributions
  • Share your ideas or potential features that are great to be added

Despite the technical issues, bug reports should still be posted at GitHub Issues. Our maintainer will handle and move a key port of a discussion and track it as an issue of if its leading or potentially considered as one, while still referring to the discussion’s ID.


Stay in the cybersecurity loop with our Newsletter. Join our open community to receive timely updates on the latest blogs, write-ups, and research papers. Be the first to know about any new releases and developments in our in-house payload and security tools, ensuring you stay informed and ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of cybersecurity.

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